
Olympus OMD EM1 Firmware 4.0 Focus Stacking - First play

Olympus have updated their firmware providing lots of goodies which amount to an upgrade of the M1 camera. And very grateful I am to. This creates a poweful bond between customer and manufacturer. I hope this is a trend which will continue, instead of only using firmware upgrades to fix issues Olympus are improving their products and rightly so. This engenders a priceless goodwill and gives great confidence to buy into the system specifically at the top end with the fabulous Olympus Pro lenses.  Knowing the purchase of my Pro lenses is respected to the point of supporting them via upgrades to the camera itself is nothing less than fantastic.

The firmware is terrific and nails an issue with macro photography, effectively elimating a time consuming pain in the neck that is the traditional focus stacking technique, which we can now refer to as "manual". Instead firmware 4.0 automates the process, brilliantly executing perfect techinque. Here is a sample image from my first attempt. Peppercorns in a mustard spoon. A single shot at f9 requires you choose which peppercorn you'd like in focus! but here firmware 4.0 combined with the Olympus 60mm f2.8 macro lens the detail and clarity is breathtaking with an extended focal depth.